Sunday, February 27, 2011

Indian Women

What's so peculiar about an Indian Women that sets her aloof??well here's one...(some)

She will vouch for her husband no matter what!Even if her magnanimous,innocuous partner becomes intractable and you manage to bag the coveted "true friend" tag who always lends an ear to her "once in a blue moon" misery, never commit this sin of saying that he's a pervert.If u cannot venerate him u certainly have no right to do such a character assasination...

She may narrate for hours how the vulpine had his way,how he is inflicting attrocities on her and the hell that she is going through.You may be tempted several times into telling her "honey its ok...every dog has his day...can't u see what I mean to say!" But just swallow ur emotions.

The best way to deal with this hysteric lady is to just listen to her-no comments,no suggestion.Ofcourse u may be her "friend forever" by adding statements like "I m sure thgs will be fine,dont worry,plz tell me if u need any kind of help etc etc".

The reason why such a rexn is warranted is bcoz a couple of days later u may find her paying u a surprise visit,flaunting the diamond bracelet that he gave her recently.She'll be having a pleothera of excuses for his misconduct..."some of it was just a figment of my imagination...marrying him has been the best decision of my life".The vulpine will soon become a paragon of virtues.To prove her point she may even tell u how good he is in bed and ofcourse he's better than the person with whom u r going arnd.You may end up replacing her as the lead of this melodramatic tale of woes.

So in case u r the protagonist now...don't get too worked up by the twist in the tale,just remember that she'll vouch for him anyway.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I always thought that writing was easy until this very moment when i suddenly ran out of ideas... wanted to make it grand,exciting so that anybody looking at it would say "wow!this is exactly what i wanted" . Needless to say that my intelligent reader must have realized the irony behind this very idea :) b4 u get to another blog let me cut the long story short....

To begin with,this blog is very close to my heart...& I m so gr8ful that you bothered reading it.However, before u proceed let me just brief you with what this blog is all about...In no way can this blog serve as a tool for verbal or intellectual enhancement.It can only help you in rediscovering the fact that life is beautiful yet so intimidating.The simple articles and stories which I present here are greatly influenced by the amazing people who adorn my life.I am also indebted to any person who has spared any moment for me(good or bad) because(on a heavy note) you have given me a part of your life, while enabling me to see the stupidity that life carries in it ;)(on the lighter note) .I am aware of the possibility of hurting the sentiments of the people who matter the most in my life but then how can I ignore the fact that they know me through and through..I am sure(or rather hopeful :) ) that they will never seek an explanation yet smile at the idea of being so indispensable in my life.

I would also like to confess something... the stories that you will read in the subsequent posts is not a work of my originality.I have picked it all(though some of it is a figment of imagination) from the works of the biggest writer who writes the extraordinary story of each man :)

Finally,any comments(good or bad) will mean a lot to me

Anuja Srivastava
